Physical Therapist
Physical therapists (PTs) help people recover from pain and injury and increase mobility.
Admission requirements for Physical Therapist programs vary from one program to another. However, most programs share a group of prerequisite courses, and the Hendrix courses that fulfill these requirements are listed below.
In addition, many schools require time spent observing, shadowing, or interning with a physical therapist. A Hendrix internship is an excellent way to get 120 of these hours, and volunteering or working at a clinic can also help you build up this part of your resume.
Common Course Requirements for PT Programs+
BIOL 150 Fundamentals of Cellular Life (w/Lab)
BIOL 205/215 Anatomy & Physiology I & II (w/Lab)
BIOL 250 Genetics (w/Lab)
Elective course in Biology: 300- or 400-level
BIOL 354 Biology of Movement
BIOL 362 Exercise Physiology (w/Lab)
CHEM 110/120 General Chemistry I & II (w/Lab)
CLAS 230 Medical Terminology & Ancient Sport
MATH 215 Introductory Statistics
PHYS 235/245 General Physics I & II (Workshop)*
*Note: MATH 130 Calculus I is a pre- or corequisite for PHYS 235
PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 385 Abnormal Psychology (some programs)*
*Note: there is a Psychology (PSYC) prerequisite for this course
+Note: A grade of C or better in all prerequisite coursework is required for acceptance into most programs.
More details about specific program requirements can be found at:
Arkansas has five PT Programs
University of Central Arkansas - click here for more info
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - click here for more info
Arkansas State University - click here for more info
Arkansas Colleges of Health Education - click here for more info
Harding University - click here for more info
How to Prepare for PT School
One possible course plan appears below.
Please note: This plan does not include all of the necessary courses to fulfill the First-Year Experience, Learning Domains, Capacities, Odyssey, or Major requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to work with their Academic Advisor to make sure all of the requirements for graduation are fulfilled, as well as the prerequisites for specific PT programs.
More information about PTs
Benefits of becoming a PT include the ability to practice in various settings such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, industrial environments, sports and fitness facilities and schools. According to American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the median salary for a PT in 2013 was $85,000. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for PTs is high and the career is expected to grow.
A career as a PT is increasingly appealing to many people, making entry into PT programs competitive.
Look to the Future
Because admission requirements for physical therapist programs vary from one program to another, students should contact the program(s) of their choice early in their Hendrix career. Also remember that Physical Therapist is not a major at Hendrix.
Get involved!
Community service, health care experiences, and leadership activities are essential. You need lots of experience working with people for people.
Observe Physical Therapists
Many schools require time spent observing, shadowing or interning with a physical therapist, and most admitted students will exceed the minimum requirements. Hendrix internships require a minimum of 120 hours. You should try to do more than 120 hours and with different PTs if you can.
Keep your academic record strong
Few individuals get admitted with the minimal requirements, which usually includes a minimum GPA of 3.5. More often programs are looking for the most highly qualified students and will therefore have higher expectations and standards, admitting students with qualifications and GPAs higher than the minimum requirements. When choosing your schools to apply to, check to make sure you will meet or exceed the requirements.
Develop relationships
Get to know some health care providers, faculty and work/volunteer supervisors. All of these individuals can be a resource for you to obtain new and valuable opportunities. Always maintain a good rapport with these contacts as well. You never know when you will need a letter of recommendation, and you want to make sure they can provide you with a great letter, not a mediocre one.
Stay up to date on current healthcare issues
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a great resource for staying up-to-date on current issues impacting PTs.
For More Information:
Contact Richard Murray in the Biology Department.