Health Science Internships Basic Info
Health Science Internships
Many professional programs in the Health Sciences require a certain number of patient contact hours to apply. One way to build these hours is through an internship approved by Career Services. In addition to getting hands-on experience in a health science field, an internship will fulfill a requirement for the HESC major.
There are many different places in which Hendrix HESC majors have interned to get hands on experience in the health science field of their choice, as well as gain patient contact hours or conduct research. Some of the sites offering patient contact hours are in Arkansas, while others are outside the state. Similarly, students have gained research experience in and outside of the Natural State. Access the links below to be taken to websites where you will find more information about these internship sites.
Sites offering interaction with patients
In Conway, AR
Outside Arkansas
Sites offering research experience
Please note that the internship sites listed on the linked pages are not the only places where HESC majors can get hands on experience that counts toward their degree. Hendrix’s Office of Career Services is happy to assist any student in their search to find an internship site. Click on the button below to be taken to their website.
“Internships are the opportunity to test our wings and achieve what we thought impossible.”